“What, what witches?” sputtered Esmeralda, spilling some of her tea.
“Not witches, I said bitches with a capital B. The two stepsisters. They both wished for lavish new dresses, jewelry, horses, and carriages to impress the prince. And, of course, they both wished they could marry the prince. Then marvel of marvels, Cinderella wished she could go to the ball, and they laughed at her. Can you believe it, they actually laughed in her face! It was a good thing I was a good fairy godmother or I would have turned the ball into a barbeque serving zapped stepsister—which would probably have been too tough and rancid to eat, but I would have zapped them anyway.”
“Such language, I will have to report that attitude to the committee as a member in good standing with the white division,” scolded Essy.
“I don’t care, they were atrocious! But finally, Cinderella had put in a wish and I jumped right on it. I went to Cinderella and—”
“Yes, I know. You appeared in a blaze of white light and pink glitter in your best long flowing gown, wide-eyed like a freshman at the junior prom. That is clearly a violation of fairy godmother code Section C, Rule 24b, paragraph 3, and I quote, never should a godmother appear before subjects stating ‘I am your fairy godmother’,” said Essy as she noted the violation in her official inquiry tablet.