“Oh please!” moaned Judy. “Anyway, I sent Cinderella to the ball perfect from head-to-toe. Those glass slippers were such a fantastic accessory.”
“Yes, now we come to the glass slippers,” tisked Essy. “That was probably the worst mistake of the evening Judy. That glass slipper left behind at the end of the magical spell is a gross violation of rules. Magic and spells are supposed to be gentle influences and residue left after the spell is a no-no.”
“Remember Essy, I was just a beginning godmother. I had maybe three months of experience and was operating on a learner’s permit at the time. I didn’t even know how to cast a spell that lasted from one day to the next, so I had to end the spell at midnight. Then when Cinderella ran off and dropped the shoe, since it wasn’t with her, it was missed and left behind in the return to normal. But, things turned out alright, they got married, right?”
“It may have turned out the way that you wanted, but let’s talk about the bird attacking the stepsisters and pecking out their eyes. From your earlier comments, I see some Judy influence. Am I right?” asked Essy.