“I know, but I was new,” explained Judy.
“No matter dearie, it simply is bad practice, now continue.”
Judy continued cautiously, “Well, I made her a simply divine dress with just a hint of décolletage, you know, discreet but a little daring. If you’re going the ball you might as well catch the prince’s eye while you’re there, right? Then I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful coach, some mice into footmen and a couple into magnificent gray horses.”
“That’s alright, except for changing the mice into humans. There was a complaint to the Society of Cruelty to Innocent Animals on behalf of the mice. Just think how humiliating it is to be an animal changed into a human. Sure you’ve seen how some humans act, and it simply isn’t fair to treat an animal in that manner, making them act like humans. It seems one of the mice is suffering from depression from the experience and we’ve been paying disability on that claim for so many years. He can’t function because of the recurring nightmares,” scolded Esmeralda.