“Okay, Cinderella never complained or made wishes, but the sisters kept me awake at night with all their complaining about Cinderella not doing enough for them or doing it fast enough. You do realize that a fairy godmother hears all of the complaints and wishes from all over her territory. It was a raw nerve at that time. Being a novice godmother, I didn’t know how to block out those voices. It was driving me crazy, especially the whining of those two stepsisters. Thank goodness I’ve learned to block out those voices using meditation and yoga. Now I can enjoy some peace and quiet. Here’s your tea Essy.”
“Thanks dearie, now continue with your testimony.”
“Like I said, I became aware of Cinderella second hand and decided to investigate. Those three were just terrible to Cinderella, but since she never complained of or wished for anything, there was nothing I could do. Then the prince decided to throw a gala ball to scout out the women in the kingdom for a potential wife. Well, the wish list for the two bitches went off the chart.”