If you are thinking of changing careers, find yourself without a job and looking for a new career, or are re-entering the workforce, here are some online resources to help you take this time to sharpen or add new skills.

Many job search sites will send new job postings free to your email. However, some medium and large companies may only post their open positions on their own website. Make sure to do both 1) have postings sent to you as well as 2) go to specific companies’ websites to check for job postings.

State and Federal Jobs

Applying for a job is different than what it was just 5 years ago. Learn how to write an effective resume and cover letter along with how to ask for a reference.  Learn also how to navigate an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Cover Letters
Book a Librarian

A library staff member will give undivided attention to customers who want assistance with the review of a resume or cover letter. 

Unemployment Help and Crisis Hotlines

Resumé Writing
