by director | Apr 30, 2015 | Writer's Station
This month’s Writer’s Station prompt is New Beginnings. Spring is often considered a time of new starts, so for this month’s Writer’s Station, we ask that you write a personal narrative (minimum of 3 pages) that starts with one of the following...
by director | Apr 1, 2015 | Writer's Station
(Click on the pictures for larger versions) April showers bring May flowers! For this month’s Writer’s Station, we ask that you write either a short story or personal narrative inspired by one of these pictures. You can turn in your completed work...
by director | Mar 1, 2015 | Writer's Station
In honor of National Women’s History Month, this month’s Writer’s Station prompt asks you to write about a woman who has inspired you and why. Submit finished works at the Circulation desk, or by emailing the Library.
by director | Feb 28, 2015 | Writer's Station
My name is Georgia. I am a Godmother. Many people think that Fairy Godmother is a hyphenated word where one cannot be said without the other. We at Godmothers Rule Everything All the Time (G.R.E.A.T.) have become rather resigned to this mindset. It is not even...
by director | Feb 28, 2015 | Writer's Station
The story of Snow White can’t be told unless it includes the witchery that was going on in those days and there was a lot of it. It seems that anyone who wanted to keep up with the neighbors felt they had to dabble and have a reputation or they would get pushed around...
by director | Feb 28, 2015 | Writer's Station
Cinderella’s fairy godmother knew someone was going to knock at the door seconds before it happened. That was one of the gifts that came with the job of being a fairy godmother. She answered to find a matronly looking woman with luminous white hair and a loving smile....