After years of deflecting the scorn heaped upon me for not making New Years resolutions, I surrendered and started making them. But, I made resolutions according to my rules. When I make a resolution, I resolve to do better at something that I already do well.

With this in mind, one of my first resolutions at work was to do a better job at serving the needs of the agents I served. I worked on my levels of knowledge so I could better answer the questions they had for me. I also worked to improve my teaching skills. I though I was pretty good in these areas, but knew with resolve and work, I could definitely improve.

I used these same resolutions for four years. At the end of those four years, I had earned ten degrees or designations from various testing organizations including CLU, ChFC, LOMA, etc. In that time frame, I studied for and passed over 50 exams that tested and broadened my knowledge of insurance and investment products and services.

In addition, I took classes and courses to improve my presentation skills.