“Hell yes. What kind of a question is that?” asked Paul.
“Well, you know, you’re still wet behind the ears so I had to ask, “ said a smirking Johnson.
Paul interrupted, “What is it I have done?”
“Nothing, it just seems that you are the best for this job. Do you think you can handle it? You see, she is a spy for the Nazis, and we simply didn’t have a good handle on what she is doing, how she is getting her information, or how much she knows.”
“But, why me?”
“Well, it’s simple. If you fail and are killed, you are a disposable asset,” replied Johnson.
“Disposable, then why do you want me for this job?” asked a highly insulted Paul.
“Perhaps I chose the wrong word. Just think. You were recruited only a couple weeks ago right out of college. No one evens knows you’re part of the Secret Service. You don’t even have an official ID yet! You are an unknown, and this is how you start the process of going from disposable to indispensable. Do you think you can handle it?” asked Paul’s boss.
After pausing a few seconds, Paul asked, “What do I really have to do?”