We realized that she was in great danger when, after traveling a day and a half, the miners told us they were not having a problem, that someone must be playing a trick on us. We knew who that someone was.

We arrived back home to find Snow White in a deep sleep. She was lying inside on the kitchen floor so her animal friends couldn’t help her. Beside her was a basket of fruit with a note supposedly from a farmer’s wife thanking us for being good neighbors. At the bottom another note to us told us that only true love could wake Snow White. In her hand she had half an apple with a bite out of it. The other half of the apple with a bite out of it was in the basket. It was an old trick. The Queen pretended to be no stranger but a neighbor who knew us well. She offered Snow White an apple. When she refused the Queen cut the apple in half and took a bite to prove it was safe. Then Snow White took a bite out of the poisoned half and fell into a deep sleep. Nothing we tried would wake her so we pondered about what to do. We decided we would put her in a glass box so we could see her when she awakened.