by director | Dec 7, 2014 | Writer's Station
Let me say this right up front. I hate Christmas. I’m a believer, not an atheist, but it is difficult to like something that has been so unpleasant for me. Sure, I’ve gotten some great presents for Christmas like the German shorthaired pointer I received at age six,...
by director | Dec 7, 2014 | Writer's Station
The Santa Claus parade in downtown Peoria kicked off our family Christmas season. The Friday after Thanksgiving, Aunt Nita would gather the nieces and nephews and take us to one of the streets along the parade route. The parade started down by the river where a cold...
by director | Dec 1, 2014 | Writer's Station
This month’s Writer’s Station prompt asks you to write a personal narrative about one of your favorite winter holiday memories. Submit your work either in person at the Library, or through email. You are not required to reveal your name.