At the beginning of 1963, the Hodges family left for a six month vacation in the States so I took over management of the hospital and Dr. Bob Masters filled in for Bill.  A volunteer lab tech from California filled in for me.

One afternoon I sat in the pharmacy talking to Mme. Dessinex, Celamise’ mother, who had run the pharmacy for years.  The hospital waiting room in front of us had only a few people waiting to see the doctor.  The others had gone home and most would return the next day, hoping to get an appointment.

As I looked at Mme. Des I saw a few gray hairs.  She was in her fifties but she had no wrinkles and she had the energy of a younger person.

I said to her, “Mme. Des, Haitians seem to look young longer than white people do.  Most people laugh and joke a lot even though they have hard lives.  Why is that?”

She replied, “Bon Dieu knew what he was doing when he put white people in a cold climate where harder to get food and stay warm.  He also made them rich where they can buy houses and coats to keep them war.  We have a warm climate so we don’t have to worry about staying warm.”