Ha!…second wind at last…peddling easily…in the zone now…all the way to the rocks below and into the Loch.
Gene was at the castle when the call came. Harry had fallen from the cliff. Ian told Gene that he saw him weaving, tried to get him to stop, tried to grab him just before he fell. Harry had seemed possessed.
The group gathered on the hotel veranda where they could be alone. The sun was setting behind the bluff. The Loch looked dark and empty. They all had tears but Mary and Albert were sobbing.
“He teased me all the time but he always helped me with my bags and if I was getting tired he walked with me and let me lean on his arm. He seemed like a bully but sometimes he was really kind.”
“If only he wasn’t stubborn and full of himself.” Lon said.
“I think it was his way of fighting his issues,” Alice replied.
“But he didn’t need to prove anything to us.” Mary sobbed and reached for another tissue. “We all loved him and respected him.”
“He was our rock,” Albert said. “He was the rock that kept us all strong on this trip. Now we have to be strong for him.”